5506-238th St.
Langley, BC
V2Z 2P1
(604) 533-4400
#41-21330 56th Ave.
Langley BC
V2Y 0E5
(604) 533-4400
41 Taxiway Gulf
Langley Airport (CYNJ)
Email: contacts@mcwelding.com
M.C. Welding Services can provide field welding for all aspects of construction. Our staff can be fully mobilized for on site construction, or repairs.
This picture shows the construction of a cofferdam. A vibratory hoe pack drives sheet pile into the ground, around the perimeter of rectangular frame, made from welded structural steel, usually wide flange beams.
Each length of sheet pile inter locks with the adjacent sheet pile, forming a flexible steel perimeter. This allows the soil to be excavated inside the cofferdam, so that work below the ground water table can begin.
Click on images to get the complete story.
MC Welding has a broad range of experience in Shoring & Field work.